OEM & Development

Com 40 anos de experiência na produção de biopróteses cardiovasculares e no desenvolvimento de produtos consolidados no mercado, como TAVI e outras tecnologias, a Labcor qualifica a Labcor para contribuir no desenvolvimento de novos produtos desde sua concepção até a prototipagem e fabricação, tudo isso seguindo rigorosamente os padrões internacionais e sob certificação ISO 13485:2016.

Installed in a physical area of more than 3000m² and with a classified Clean Room of more than 750m², it has an operational manufacturing capacity of more than 1500 products per month. Labcor offers the opportunity for OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) model services, whether or not associated with the incorporation of its own components, as well as services in regulatory, engineering, microbiological testing and validation areas.

Indústria Labcor laboratório biotecnologia válvulas cardíacas

Tissue Engineering

Labcor has the logistical capacity to capture bovine and porcine tissues, more specifically heart valves, blood vessels and pericardium, and carry out various preservation treatments either proprietary to Labcor or specified by the customer. All fabric collected by Labcor is removed from slaughterhouses certified by the Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil under federal inspection and strict environmental and operational conditions.

Our Bovine Pericardium meets the European guideline for the control and transmission of BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy), being certified by the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines, having the EDQM seal. Efficient collection, preparation and transport with temperature and time control and prevention of contamination are key factors for the quality of the fabric.

Tecnologia L-Hydro membrana livre de aldeído

Labcor is a partner and supplier of Carmat Sa, the only company in the world to manufacture the AESON® fully implantable artificial heart. This device allows a life of mobility and autonomy for those who are waiting for a heart transplant.


Development & Contract Manufacture​






A Labcor é parceira e fornecedora da Carmat Sa, empresa única no mundo a fabricar o AESON® coração artificial totalmente implantável. Aparelho este que possibilita uma vida de mobilidade e autonomia aqueles que estão a espera de um transplante cardíaco.

Trust, security and experience.
Get in touch and learn about our structure.


Development & Contract Manufacture