Artigos Científicos

Long-term Evaluation Of Anti-calcification Histology Of Bovine Pericardial Membrane With Non-aldehyde L-Hydro Tratment

Retrospective review of all patients undergoing surgical correction of congenital heart defect using an L-HYDRO patch and histological evaluation of fragments removed from reoperations.

Treatment of penile curvature with aldehyde free bovine pericardium graft: an orgiginal and prospective evaluation of a cohort of patients with Peyronie's disease

Although several materials have been used as a graft in the treatment of penile curvature due to PD, none have shown results that are good enough to be considered a gold standard. The aim of this study is to prospectively evaluate the results of surgical treatment using a new biograft in patients with penile curvature due to PD.